Hello, World.

I'm Pedro Leite.

Electrial Engineer student
University of British Columbia

More About Me

Let me introduce myself.

Profile Picture

I’m Pedro, a Electrial Engineering student at UBC who is passionate about tackling real world problems with the exciting potential of robotics and automation. While you’re here, check out some of my projects, view my resumé, or reach out to me below.


  • Fullname: Pedro Russo Guimarães Leite
  • Website: www.pedroleite.com
  • Email: pedrorgl@student.ubc.ca
  • Software Experience

      • Rtos
      • Solidworks
      • .Net framework
      • Flutter


Programming Skills

  • 90%
  • 80%
    C/Embeded C
  • 80%
  • 80%
  • 75%

More of my credentials.

Work Experience

Data Engineering Intenship

May 2021 - August 2021

Oceangull | Sao Paulo, Brazil

  • Worked on the backend development of an integrated system for a textile factory
  • Learned how to interact with mysql database using python
  • Built alongside with my team a web scraper to gather online information automating manual labour
  • Learned to develop strategies and scripts for the data analysis of business information
  • Assisted in designing and build data visualization and make decisions using datastudio

  • Robotics Engineering Internship

    June 2019 - August 2019

    Automni Artificial Intelligence | Sao Paulo, Brazil

  • Eliminated labor cost by automating indoor vehicles by employing machine learning
  • Developed a small-sized autonomous robot (turtlebot) for testing and quality control tasks using
  • ROS(Robot Operations System) fundamentals
  • Deployed motor driver to control stepper motor and employed a magnetic encoder to trace the robot's position

  • Education

    Bachelor Degree

    September 2018 - May 2023

    University of British Columbia

    Bachelor's Degree in Electical Engineering

    6.00.1x MIT Certificate

    August 2020

    Introduction to Computer Science and Programming Using Python

    An introduction to computer science as a tool to solve real-world analytical problems using Python 3.5.


    Check Out Some of My Works.

    Tractive System Light PCB Design

    PCB design at the top of the car which indicates when the tractive system is active

    Amazon Warehouse Simulator

    2d warehouse simulator using multi agent A-star path finding algorithm

    Reflow Oven Controller

    A Diy reflow Oven using a 8051 microcontroller

    Coin Picking Robot

    A robot that picks coins usign a microcontroller-frequency-meter metal by detector

    Scara Robot

    Design of a 3 degrees of freedom Scara robot

    Heart Disease Predictor

    A Machine learning model that predicts if the patient has Heart disease based on a set of vital signs


    I'd Love To Hear From You.

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    Call Me At

    Mobile: (+1) 778 317 5359